Special Initiatives
This area mainly refers to specific initiatives that the center undertakes alone or in collaboration with other departments and units across campus
Arabs/ MENA in STEM Fields Heading link

1. Arabs / MENA in STEM Fields
Arabs / MENA in STEM Fields program aims to support Arab American and MENA American students in STEM fields, showcase the important scientific contributions of Arabs and MENA in STEM fields, and enable student to explore the links between their identity and heritage and their career choices and field of study preferences.
- During the Fall 2021 semester, the program organized with collaboration from Prof. Saleh Hamdan a Symposium that featured UIC professors speaking about their experiences and sharing important lessons. (video links will be available soon)
- During Spring 2022, the ArabAmCC piloted a mentorship program that links between MENA/Arab Faculty and graduate students and undergraduate students to provide mentorship and guidance as students pursue their studies and future careers. If interested, please sign up for the program hear.
- for students to sign up: go.uic.edu/STEMmentee
- for faculty and graduate students: go.uic.edu/STEMmentor
- During Spring 2022, A roundtable on Arabs/MENA Women in STEM was organized.
- Follow our Social Media Campaign to learn more about Arab/MENA scientists historically and today: instagram.com/arabamcc/
Women, Gender, and Sexuality in the MENA and Diasporas Educational Initiative Heading link

2. Women, Gender, and Sexuality in the Middle East and North Africa and diasporas Educational Initiative
This educational initiative was planned and implemented in collaboration with a number of Faculty (Nadine Naber, Norma Moruzzi, Sarah Abboud, Michele McCrillis) and the Honors College with sponsorship by various departments and units on campus. Events included:
- Film series and discussion during Spring 2020
- Poetry and Spoken Word Event in Collaboration with Students for Justice in Palestine during Spring 2020
- Roundtable Conversation with Women Community Organizers in the Chicagoland Area on “Social Justice and Women’s Empowerment” during Spring 2020
- Roundtable Conversation with Women Scientists titled “A Conversation on Women in Science” during Spring 2022
- Women, Gender and Sexuality in MENA symposium with undergraduate and graduate students and keynote presentation by Prof. Suad Joseph during Spring 2022